Soft Touch Blue Theme13.0.5

Soft Touch Blue Theme v13.0.5

Added Date: June 30, 2019

Downloads: 274

Size: 13.56 MB

Choose Download Locations for Soft Touch Blue Theme v13.0.5

How to install "Soft Touch Blue Theme" APK from the A2ZAPK website?

    To install an APK from an unknown source like A2ZAPK, follow these steps:
  1. Open your device's Settings.
  2. Navigate to "Security" or "Privacy," depending on your device.
  3. Enable the "Unknown sources" option to allow installation from sources other than the Play Store.
  4. Download the APK from the A2ZAPK website.
  5. Open the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the app.

How to check CPU architecture using the CPU-Z app?

    To determine your device's CPU architecture using the CPU-Z app:
  1. Download and install the CPU-Z app from the Play Store.
  2. Open the app and navigate to the "SOC" tab.
  3. Look for the "Instruction Sets" section to find details about the CPU architecture. It will mention ARM64 or ARMv7 (32-bit).

How to perform a fresh install if an error occurs?

    If you encounter errors during the installation of an app, consider these steps for a fresh install:
  1. Uninstall the app causing the error.
  2. Clear the app's cache and data from the Settings > Apps menu.
  3. Restart your device.
  4. Download the APK again from a A2ZAPK website.
  5. Reinstall the app following the installation steps.

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