Trafic Alert Bucuresti1.0.4

Trafic Alert Bucuresti v1.0.4

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Trafic Alert Bucuresti / Specifications

Trafic Alert Bucuresti / Screenshots

Trafic Alert Bucuresti 1.0.4
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Trafic Alert Bucuresti / Description

Pieton sau sofer fii responsabil si raporteaza orice problema care poate
afecta circulatia pe strazile din Bucuresti!
Monitorizarea condițiilor pe drumurile publice din Bucuresti joaca un rol cheie in
garantarea siguranței și confortului pentru toti cetatenii capitalei indiferent daca
acestia sunt pietoni sau soferi.
Scopul aplicatiei: raportarea problemelor pe care cetatenii le pot identifica pe
drumurile publice din Bucuresti. In plus autoritatile locale având acces la informații
cu privire la anumite situatii sau incidente pot localiza problemele semnalate intr-
un mod facil pot interveni in timp util si remedia aceste situatii asigurand
intretinerea adecvata a drumurilor publice si desfasurarea in bune conditii a
circulatiei pe aceste drumuri.
Aplicatia este dezvoltata intr-o maniera usor de utilizat (user-friendly) venind in
sprijinul cetatenilor care prin intermediul ei pot actiona ca avertizori in interes
public. Acestia pot prin trasmite sesizari cu buna-credinta in legatura cu orice
neregula identificata pe drumurile publice (de exemplu parcare neregulamentara)
sau prin semnalarea diferitelor probleme din trafic (disfunctionalitati ale sistemului
de semaforizare calitatea drumului atat pentru zona carosabila cat si pentru
trotuare etc).
Aplicatia are la baza trei fluxuri principale:
- Transmiterea sesizarii de catre un cetatean prin autentificarea acestuia in
cadrul aplicatiei cu credentialele aferente contului sau si anume adresa de
email/ numar de telefon si parola.
Pentru transmiterea sesizarii cetateanul trebuie sa completeze un set minim
de informatii cu privire la problema semnalata: tip eveniment (de exemplu:
parcare neregulamentara indicator rutier degradat stare trotuar sau stare
carosabil semafor nefunctional zona in lucru nesemnalizata lucrari civile pe
zona carosabila sau pe trotuar alte tipuri de sesizari etc) detalii despre
locatie (se va putea utiliza harta interactiva a municipiului Bucuresti) si
scurta descriere a problemei sesizate. De asemenea aplicatia ofera
facilitatea tehnica de incarcare a imaginilor aferente sesizarii (maxim 3)
astfel incat personalul autorizat care va interveni pe teren sa poata identifica
mai rapid aspectele sesizate de catre cetatean la locatia respectiva.
- Preluarea sesizarii de catre autoritatea responsabila (ASB) in vederea
solutionarii acesteia.

- Din contul sau cetateanul poate vizualiza istoricul sesizarilor pe care le-a
trimis prin intermediul aplicatiei si statusul aferent fiecarei sesizari.
Rezultatele utilizarii acestei aplicatii vor fi benefice atat pentru cetateni cat si
pentru autoritatile locale prin reducerea evenimentelor cu impact negativ asupra
circulatiei pe strazile din municipiul Bucuresti.
Pedestrian or driver be responsible and report any problem you may have
affect the traffic on the streets of Bucharest!
Monitoring conditions on public roads in Bucharest play a key role in
guaranteeing safety and comfort for all citizens of the capital no matter if
they are pedestrians or drivers.
The purpose of the application: Reporting problems that citizens can identify on
public roads in Bucharest. In addition local authorities have access to information
with regard to certain situations or incidents can locate the problems raised in a specific case
in an easy way can intervene in a timely manner and remedy these situations ensuring
the proper maintenance of public roads and the unfolding of good conditions a
traffic on these roads.
The application is developed in a user-friendly manner coming in
the support of citizens who through them can act as a whistleblower in the interest
public. They can send out complaints in good faith about anything
the irregularity identified on public roads (eg irregular parking)
or by reporting different traffic problems (system malfunctions
traffic lights road quality both for the carriageway and for the road
sidewalks etc.).
The application is based on three main streams:
- Transmitting a complaint by a citizen by authenticating it in
within the application with the credentials associated with his or her account namely the
email / phone number and password.
In order to submit a complaint the citizen must complete a minimum set
information on the reported issue: event type (eg:
unregulated parking degraded road indicator pavement state or condition
roadway nonfunctional traffic light unsigned work area civil works on
carriageway or pavement other types of complaints etc.) details about
location (you can use the interactive map of Bucharest) and
a brief description of the problem. The application also offers
the technical facility for uploading images related to the notification (maximum 3)
so authorized personnel who will intervene on the field can identify
more quickly the issues perceived by the citizen at that location.
- Acceptance of the referral by the responsible authority (SBA) in view
its solution.

- From his / her account the citizen can view the history of the notifications he / she has
sent through the application and the status of each notification.
The results of using this application will be beneficial for both citizens and others
for local authorities by reducing events with a negative impact on
traffic on the streets of Bucharest.

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