XBrowser - Mini & Super fast5.0.3 B921 (Mod)

XBrowser - Mini & Super fast v5.0.3 B921 (Mod)

Downloads: 4456


XBrowser - Mini & Super fast / Specifications

XBrowser - Mini & Super fast / Screenshots

XBrowser - Mini & Super fast 5.0.3 B921 (Mod)
Loading... XBrowser - Mini & Super fast 5.0.3 B921 (Mod)
Loading... XBrowser - Mini & Super fast 5.0.3 B921 (Mod)
Loading... XBrowser - Mini & Super fast 5.0.3 B921 (Mod)
Loading... XBrowser - Mini & Super fast 5.0.3 B921 (Mod)
Loading... XBrowser - Mini & Super fast 5.0.3 B921 (Mod)

XBrowser - Mini & Super fast / Description

★ Minimalist & Super Fast

1M Size uses minimal resources. Very smooth and fast.

★ Ad Blocking

Super ad blocking ability helping you to remove 80% of malicious ads. Support importing and subscribing to third-party blocking rules.

★ Video Sniffing

Super video sniffing capability easy to save Internet videos.

★ User Script

Build-in Support GreaseMonkey and Tampermonkey user script. Greatly improved browser capabilities.

★ Security and Privacy

Only very few permissions are requested no background residency services no push services and very many security and privacy options are provided.

★ Autofill forms

Fill out forms automatically with saved info like your user namepasswdaddress etc.

★ Personalized Customization

Provide a large number of personalization options appearance gestures shortcuts etc. Can be adjusted according to your preference.

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XBrowser - Mini & Super fast / What's New in v5.0.3 B921 (Mod)

- ★★★ MOD by AnBo39 ★★★

- Removed analytics, debugging information
- It does not hang in active processes after exiting
- Languages: English, Lithuanian, German, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian

This app has no advertisements

- Fixed the issue that the homepage theme does not update immediately when switching from dark mode to day mode
- Fixed Google Translate failure and Google Translate security vulnerability.
- Fixed an issue where blocking rules were invalidated due to incorrect parsing of individual blocking rules.
- Fixed the issue that default ua cannot be restored after deleting custom ua.

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