· App to solve problems and exercises from Thermodynamics
Engineering books.
· Quick and reliable calculations of steam tables of water air ideal gases refrigerants and other substances.
· Explanations of the main concepts equations and thermodynamic laws.
· Free download.
- Calculation of properties of states processes and thermodynamic cycles of free design.
- Calculation of isobar isothermal isochoric adiabatic (isentropic) and isenthalpic processes.
- Automatic calculation of predefined cycles: Carnot Otto Diesel Dual-Mixed Stirling Joule-Brayton Regenerative exchanger Ideal power Rankine Basic cooling Rankine and Rankine with open or closed heat exchangers .
- Mass and energy balances according to the first principle.
- Calculation of heat exchangers: open closed and mixed.
- Mass of Control or Volume of Control (closed system or open system) to calculate the work of the processes according to the exercise.
- Ambient State to calculate relative pressure and exergies.
- Reference State to adjust the results to different books or bibliographic sources: Cengel - Boles Moran - Shapiro Sonntag - Borgnakke - Van Wylen Rogers - Mayhew Bejan Nag Khurmi etc.
- First Principle (∆U = Q - W ∆U = Q + W) according to different bibliographies.
- Interactive diagrams (Pressure-Volume Temperature-Entropy Enthalpy-Entropy Mollier etc) with linear and logarithmic scales automatic zoom and draggable rulers.
- Educational Aids: Quick reminders on thermodynamic concepts and formulas.
- Information on substances: Formula molecular weight critical point specific heat etc.
- State properties: Pressure Temperature Volume Internal energy Enthalpy Entropy Exergy Pressure Specific heat Vapor title and Saturated properties.
- Process properties: Heat Work Expansion work Technical work Flow work and Increments of the main state properties.
- Cycle properties: Thermal performance COP heating COP cooling and all process properties.
- Units: Pressure (bar at atm kPa MPa psia) Temperature (K C R F) Volume (m3 ltr ft3 gal) Mass (mol kmol kg lbm) Energy (J kJ kc kWh BTu) Power (W kW hp hp (UK) BTus BTUh).
- Substances: Water Air Ammonia Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Oxygen Alkanes (Butane Ethane Heptane Hexane Isopentane Methane Octane Pentane Propane) Alkenes (Ethylene Propylene) Refrigerants (R11 R12 R13 R14 R22 R23 R114 R123 R134a RC318 R500 R502 Propyl alcohol) Ideal gases (Water Air Ammonia Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Methane Acetylene Ethylene Hydrogen Nitrogen (N) Nitrogen monoxide Oxygen Hydroxide (OH) Chlorine Fluorine Hydrogen bromide Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen iodide Hydrogen sulfide Sulfur dioxide) Noble gases (Helium Neon Argon Krypton Xenon Radon).
- Languages: Write me to improve the translation into your mother tongue.
- Related software: EES (Engineering Equation Solver) OpenCalphad Thermo-Calc ProPhyPlus BibPhy DiagSim ThermoSoft and many more.
· Quick and reliable calculations of steam tables of water air ideal gases refrigerants and other substances.
· Explanations of the main concepts equations and thermodynamic laws.
· Free download.
- Calculation of properties of states processes and thermodynamic cycles of free design.
- Calculation of isobar isothermal isochoric adiabatic (isentropic) and isenthalpic processes.
- Automatic calculation of predefined cycles: Carnot Otto Diesel Dual-Mixed Stirling Joule-Brayton Regenerative exchanger Ideal power Rankine Basic cooling Rankine and Rankine with open or closed heat exchangers .
- Mass and energy balances according to the first principle.
- Calculation of heat exchangers: open closed and mixed.
- Mass of Control or Volume of Control (closed system or open system) to calculate the work of the processes according to the exercise.
- Ambient State to calculate relative pressure and exergies.
- Reference State to adjust the results to different books or bibliographic sources: Cengel - Boles Moran - Shapiro Sonntag - Borgnakke - Van Wylen Rogers - Mayhew Bejan Nag Khurmi etc.
- First Principle (∆U = Q - W ∆U = Q + W) according to different bibliographies.
- Interactive diagrams (Pressure-Volume Temperature-Entropy Enthalpy-Entropy Mollier etc) with linear and logarithmic scales automatic zoom and draggable rulers.
- Educational Aids: Quick reminders on thermodynamic concepts and formulas.
- Information on substances: Formula molecular weight critical point specific heat etc.
- State properties: Pressure Temperature Volume Internal energy Enthalpy Entropy Exergy Pressure Specific heat Vapor title and Saturated properties.
- Process properties: Heat Work Expansion work Technical work Flow work and Increments of the main state properties.
- Cycle properties: Thermal performance COP heating COP cooling and all process properties.
- Units: Pressure (bar at atm kPa MPa psia) Temperature (K C R F) Volume (m3 ltr ft3 gal) Mass (mol kmol kg lbm) Energy (J kJ kc kWh BTu) Power (W kW hp hp (UK) BTus BTUh).
- Substances: Water Air Ammonia Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Oxygen Alkanes (Butane Ethane Heptane Hexane Isopentane Methane Octane Pentane Propane) Alkenes (Ethylene Propylene) Refrigerants (R11 R12 R13 R14 R22 R23 R114 R123 R134a RC318 R500 R502 Propyl alcohol) Ideal gases (Water Air Ammonia Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Methane Acetylene Ethylene Hydrogen Nitrogen (N) Nitrogen monoxide Oxygen Hydroxide (OH) Chlorine Fluorine Hydrogen bromide Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen iodide Hydrogen sulfide Sulfur dioxide) Noble gases (Helium Neon Argon Krypton Xenon Radon).
- Languages: Write me to improve the translation into your mother tongue.
- Related software: EES (Engineering Equation Solver) OpenCalphad Thermo-Calc ProPhyPlus BibPhy DiagSim ThermoSoft and many more.
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