MultiBox - Toolkit App4.2.10 (Premium)

MultiBox - Toolkit App v4.2.10 (Premium)

Downloads: 4952


MultiBox - Toolkit App / Specifications

MultiBox - Toolkit App / Screenshots

MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)
Loading... MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)
Loading... MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)
Loading... MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)
Loading... MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)
Loading... MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)
Loading... MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)
Loading... MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)
Loading... MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)
Loading... MultiBox - Toolkit App 4.2.10 (Premium)

MultiBox - Toolkit App / Description

Fantastic toolkit in one app. MultiBox is a complete toolkit that brings you all the incredible features needed from a single app. From Image and Video Downloader and Web Scanner to some advanced features like WhatsDeleted - which shows deleted messages and media Transparent and Direct Chat MultiBox packs in the finest goodies.

Everything you need in one place!

The app comes with a stunning and easy-to-use interface created with the latest trends in mind. Here's a full list of features that MultiBox offers:

Discover Fantastic Features:
WhatsDeleted - View deleted messages and Images when the sender deletes them for everyone.

Web Scanner - Scan a QR Code of Web right inside the app to enjoy web services.

Downloader of Video/Images - Easily download images or videos with MultiBox.

Language Support - Support for Arabic(ar) German(de) Indonesian(id) Portuguese(pt) Russian(ru) and Spanish(es) languages.

Walk & Chat - A fantastic feature that leverages the phone's camera to make chat background transparent with less opacity.

Cleaner App saves ample space by cleaning sent images videos documents and cache.

Fake Chat & Call - A fun tool to create a fake conversation or call.

Text Repeater Pro - Repeat any text up to 10000 times with this feature.

ASCII Text Art Generator - It offers a plethora of ASCII ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ faces in Happy Angry and other categories.

Direct Chat - Start a conversation or message to the unsaved numbers.

Text To Emoji Converter - Easily convert any written word or text to emojis.

Shake To Open - A quick shortcut to land you on home screen from anywhere on the phone.

Gallery - A dedicated gallery to keep all the media in one place.

All product names logos brands trademarks and registered trademarks which are not owned by us are property of their respective owners.
All company product and service names used in this app are for identification purposes only. Use of these names trademarks and brands does not imply endorsement.
MultiBox - Toolkit app is owned by us. We are not affiliated associated authorized endorsed by or in any way officially connected with any 3rd party apps or companies.

Use of Accessibility Service:
MultiBox app uses the AccessibilityService API to provide the best possible experience.
- We do not collect any personal information through accessibility services.
- We will not read your screen's sensitive data or any content.
- Accessibility service permission is needed for detecting the foreground application detecting when the messaging app is open and setting the background layer of the camera in real-time with lesser opacity.
- Accessibility services are required for the Walk & Chat feature so users can see what is going in front of them while they are chatting.

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MultiBox - Toolkit App / What's New in v4.2.10 (Premium)

- Mod Info:
✪ Premium Features Unlocked
✪ CPUs: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a
✪ Debug Info Removed

This app has credit advertisements

- Minor bug fixes and Stability improvements

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