Trakt1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)

Trakt v1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)

Downloads: 4474


Trakt / Specifications

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Trakt 1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)
Loading... Trakt 1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)
Loading... Trakt 1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)
Loading... Trakt 1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)
Loading... Trakt 1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)
Loading... Trakt 1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)
Loading... Trakt 1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)
Loading... Trakt 1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)

Trakt / Description

Trakt is a community of TV and movie lovers. It's free to join!

DISCOVER what's hot and where to stream it.
TRACK shows and movies you watch.
SHARE comments recommendations and ratings.

- Check in to shows and movies you're watching.
- We index over 1 million shows and movies.
- Mark episodes and movies you've previously watched.
- Detailed history of everything you've watched.

- See what's trending in real time.
- Browse anticipated shows and movies.
- See what's popular in the community.
- Advanced filters to find exactly what you're looking for. (VIP only)
- Saved filters add new cards for quick access (VIP only)

- We partner with JustWatch to provide streaming links in over 120 countries.
- Over 650 streaming services are indexed worldwide.
- Select your favorite services and bump those to the top.

- Watchlist to track what you want to watch.
- Personal lists to organize things however you want.
- Recommended lists from the community.
- Unlimited lists and expanded item limits. (VIP only)

- Collect shows and movies you own including metadata with all the tech specs.

- Personalized and global calendars of episodes and movies.

- Personalized stats about your watching habits.
- Year in review for each year you've watched something. (VIP only)
- All time stats to summarize your entire watching career. (VIP only)

- Quickly see what you should watch next.
- Get super detailed progress about episodes you've watched and what's left.
- View show season and episodes and how many times you've watched them.
- Rewatch shows and recalculate progress. (VIP only)

- Search for shows movies episodes people and lists.
- Advanced filters to find exactly what you're looking for. (VIP only)

- Push notifications when new episodes air.

- See what your friends have been recently watching.
- Comment and rate what you've watched.
- Follow other members with similar interests.
- Automatically share what you're watching on Twitter and Mastadon.

- Personalized show and movie recommendations.
- Recommend your favorites to others.

- Support Trakt and unlock some awesome VIP features!
- VIP applies to all official Trakt apps and the Trakt website.
- No ads anywhere on Trakt.
- Year in review stats.
- Beta versions to test new features before anyone else.
- Advanced filtering and saved filters.
- Unlimited personal lists.
- Notes on list items.
- Rewatch shows and recalculate progress.
- VIP badge.


Handcrafted by Trakt around the world.
We don't sell your data and respect your privacy.


Web: https://trakt.tv
Help: [email protected]
Privacy Policy: https://trakt.tv/privacy
Terms of Service: https://trakt.tv/terms

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Trakt / What's New in v1.9.1 (VIP) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)

- Server-side (sync based) vip features won't work.

This app has no advertisements

- Fixed an issue with not being able to interact with and/or hide the Month In Review in certain cases.


- Month in review is now available in your Home tab. Check it out to see your monthly watching habits!

We've also addressed various bugs and made improvements to enhance your experience.
- All users should now be able to add, manage, and view their notes as expected now.
- All users now have the ability to filter Watchlists and Personal Lists by streaming services.

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