- ★★★ MOD by tigr1234566 ★★★
❏ Mod info:
Expand: hide
- Removed all ads
- Made video, GIFs downloading without watermark to Movies/TikTok
folder instead of DCIM/Camera and pictures to Pictures/TikTok
- Removed all restrictions on downloads, you can download any
- Removed many other restrictions
- Disabled unnecessary activities
- Removed restrictions on duets, stitching
- Rewind is now available in any video
- Battery drain optimization
- Removed regional restrictions
- Fixed Google authorization
- Fixed Facebook authorization
- Fixed Twitter authorization
- Enabled High Quality Audio for live steams
- Enabled High Quality Video for live streams
- Disabled InAppBillingService
- Disabled all types of Analytics
- Disabled mandatory login
- Added author tag for the name of the downloaded file
- Monet app icon for Android 13+
- Added playback speed selection button for all videos
- Added autoscroll button on the FYP page
- Activated an official dark theme for the application
- Bypassing the prohibition to record the screen of live stream,
the author of which prohibited it (previously it was a black
- Bypassing the 60 second limit for live stream (When you attend a
stream TikTok gives you 60 seconds to preview the live stream,
after that the live stream only works for subscribers)
- Added memory for the states of the "Clear Display" and "Playback
Speed" buttons. Now, when scrolling through the feed, the settings
of these buttons are preserved, the enabled "Clear Display" applies
to all videos, and the
playback speed setting does not reset
- Enabled screen recording with "Clear Display" on, which was
previously unavailable
- Disabled notification of enabled screen recording
➠ Changelog:
- Easily add a sound to your video
- Fixed installation bug for some users
- Completely removed access to geolocation to prevent detection of
account locations in “disputed” regions
- Default region changed to United Kingdom
➤ TikTok Plugin
Expand: hide
- Custom Region Matching: Provide the option to match posts based
on the user's selected region to enhance relevance
- Hide Ads: Allow users to hide ads from the feed, following tab,
user profiles, and discover section
- Loop Video Playback: Enable users to disable the loop behavior
for videos played within the platform
- Hide Livestreams: Offer the option to hide livestreams from the
feed for users who prefer not to view them
- Hide Post Captions: Allow users to choose whether or not they
want to see post captions across the app
- Hide Long Posts: Provide the ability to hide longer posts based
on custom-defined length preferences
- Custom Download Directory: Enable users to select a specific
directory for downloading content
- Remove Watermarks: Include options to remove watermarks from
videos, pictures, and GIFs
- Privacy Bypass: Allow users to bypass privacy settings for duet
and stitch features
- Theme and Accent Customization: Provide theme switching options
and accent color selections for a personalized experience
- Monet theme Support: Add support for adapting to Material You
- Mute Videos: Option to download videos without sound and save
them in a specific format
- Font Style Customization: Offer choices for changing font styles
within the app
- Settings Management: Include the ability to reset, backup, or
restore plugin settings for user convenience
- Language Selection: Allow users to choose their preferred
language for the plugin interface
- Open Links in TikTok: Directly open browser links within the
TikTok app for seamless navigation
- Emergency Login: Provide a feature for emergency logins in
critical scenarios
- TikTok Web: Incorporate support or integration for TikTok's web
version within the plugin functionalities
➠ Changelog:
- Synchronized translations with Crowdin
- Disabled USA region
Expand: hide
1. Install the updated versions of both the MOD and the PLUGIN
(both are required for proper functionality).
2. Clear the app data in your phone settings (do not confuse this
with clearing the cache!).
3. Turn off your internet connection, open the plugin, and grant it
all the necessary permissions it requests. Then, press the "Launch
TikTok" button.
4. Completely close TikTok (do not just minimize it, but fully
terminate the app).
5. Open the plugin again, press "Launch TikTok", and then enable
your internet connection.
> ⚠️ This will not fix login issues via email or phone number if
you see the message "This feature is unavailable in your region."
However, it will allow you to log in via Google and remove the
restriction notification.
If none of these steps work, it’s recommended to create a new
account. It’s best to select Argentina or Egypt as your region
since more features are available there.
Easily add a sound to your video.