Weather Radar Rain Viewer6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)

Weather Radar Rain Viewer v6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)

Downloads: 4666


Weather Radar Rain Viewer / Specifications

Weather Radar Rain Viewer / Screenshots

Weather Radar Rain Viewer 6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)
Loading... Weather Radar Rain Viewer 6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)
Loading... Weather Radar Rain Viewer 6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)
Loading... Weather Radar Rain Viewer 6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)
Loading... Weather Radar Rain Viewer 6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)
Loading... Weather Radar Rain Viewer 6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)
Loading... Weather Radar Rain Viewer 6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)
Loading... Weather Radar Rain Viewer 6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)

Weather Radar Rain Viewer / Description

Discover Rain Viewer your go-to weather radar app for Android with built-in AI weather assistant which provides accurate weather updates. Our live radar map lets you track weather patterns and stay ahead of the rainfall ensuring you’re always prepared. Enjoy your weather-dependent activities with confidence.

Rain Radar Map
Keep track of rain snow and hurricane events in your area. Watch the animated live radar map to see how the storm is changing.

Global Rain&Snow
No radar coverage? No problem! Our "Global Rain&Snow" map layer shows real-time satellite-based precipitation data for radar-free zones such as oceans or deserts. Stay informed about rain and snow patterns on the map and receive alerts no matter where you are.

Single Radar Mode
View data from any radar station you want. Take a closer look at rain or snow areas at your location on the radar map.

Weather Forecast
Plan your days better with hourly and daily weather updates. Stay ahead of the rain or snow with our accurate down-to-minute precipitation forecast.

Rain Alerts
Know when to grab your umbrella or stay indoors with our timely rain alerts.

Radar Animation Sharing
Share insights from your radar map with friends and followers in the video or GIF format.

Severe Weather Alerts
Stay safe with severe weather alerts that warn you about extreme weather conditions.

Home Screen Weather Widget
Stay up-to-date with the weather even when the app is closed with our five helpful forecast widgets.

In-App Premium Features
• AI weather assistant
• Rain radar weather forecast for the next 120 minutes
• 48-hour/14-day forecast
• Radar map archive for the previous 48 hours
• Rain and snow movement direction arrows
• Hurricane tracker
• Up to 20 favorite locations
• Ad-free experience

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Weather Radar Rain Viewer / What's New in v6.4 B19888 (Premium) (Mod Extra)

- Mod Info:
■Premium / Paid features unlocked;
■Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
■Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
■Ads Permissions / Services / Providers removed from AndroidManifest;
■Ads links removed and invokes methods nullified;
■Ads layouts visibility disabled;
■Google Maps Location works;
■Google Play Store install package check disabled;
■Debug code removed;
■Remove default .source tags name of the corresponding java files;
■Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase disabled;
■No active trackers or advertisements;
■Languages: Full Multi Languages;
■CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
■Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
■Original package signature changed;
■Release by Balatan.

This app has no advertisements

• Improved the loading indicator of map animation player.
• Added status indicator of alerts and tropical storms to quick settings.

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