Rain Alarm5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)

Rain Alarm v5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)

Downloads: 4386


Rain Alarm / Specifications

Rain Alarm / Screenshots

Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)
Loading... Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)
Loading... Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)
Loading... Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)
Loading... Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)
Loading... Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)
Loading... Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)
Loading... Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)
Loading... Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)
Loading... Rain Alarm 5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)

Rain Alarm / Description

This weather app alerts you when rain is approaching. The alerts are a reliable short-term forecast based on near real-time data. This app is more precise and reliable than a traditional forecast.
It is very useful for all outdoor activities – including cycling motorcycling hiking gardening BBQs picnics dog walking and DIY.

• Alerts to every type of precipitation whether rain snow or hail
• Alert as a notification with vibration and/or sound
• Simple and easy map overview
• Handy widgets in different sizes and themes
• Standalone Wear OS app with notifications tile and complication

The data is collected from local weather services. Supported countries:
Americas: USA (including Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Guam) Canada Bermuda Mexico El Salvador Argentina Brazil
Europe: UK Ireland Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Iceland Spain (including the Balearic and the Canary Islands) France Hungary Germany Austria Netherlands Poland Slovenia Croatia Belarus Ukraine
Asia: Taiwan Macau Hong Kong Japan Republic of Korea Philippines Malaysia Singapore Brunei India
Oceania: Australia Fiji

In-app purchases (not available for Wear OS):
• No more ads
• Multiple alarms and additional settings
• Animation settings and overlay transparency
• Multiple locations and additional settings (for alarms)
• More widget color schemes

Also available for other platforms: https://app.rain-alarm.com
Follow us on Twitter for the latest news: https://twitter.com/rainalarm

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Rain Alarm / What's New in v5.7.1 (Premium) (Mod)

- Mod Info:
☆Premium features unlocked
Maps/Location/Widget Works
Debug Info Removed

This app has no advertisements

New for subscribers only:
• Extended forecast data on extra weather page (not the map)

• Better dark maps

• Get the weather quickly for any location with long tapping on the map

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