TestMaker9.4.3 (Pro)

TestMaker v9.4.3 (Pro)

Downloads: 3600


TestMaker / Specifications

TestMaker / Screenshots

TestMaker 9.4.3 (Pro)
Loading... TestMaker 9.4.3 (Pro)
Loading... TestMaker 9.4.3 (Pro)
Loading... TestMaker 9.4.3 (Pro)
Loading... TestMaker 9.4.3 (Pro)

TestMaker / Description

This app is an app that can make a collection of questions on their own.

Since there are two types of problems the form of a question description and selection question you can solve the question in the quiz sensation.

Image pasted to the question statement because there are a variety of options such as automatic generation of choice in the selection problem you can customize the question to their liking.

In addition since there is also a text file ⇆ problem collection of conversion function you can edit the problem in the PC or you can send a collection of problems to a friend.

● The main purpose of use
- Memorization of foreign languages ​​such as English words
- Archaic memorization
· Official of memorization
History memorization
• Periodic test preparation
- Junior high school test preparation
And high school test preparation
Center Exam
- Memorize for qualification acquisition
- Your own memorization book creation

Sound effects 魔王魂
Image Material icons

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TestMaker / What's New in v9.4.3 (Pro)

- Mod Info:
✪ Pro Features Unlocked
✪ CPUs: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a
✪ Debug Info Removed

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