RAM Calc14.06 (Premium)

RAM Calc v14.06 (Premium)

Downloads: 4456


RAM Calc / Specifications

RAM Calc / Screenshots

RAM Calc 14.06 (Premium)
Loading... RAM Calc 14.06 (Premium)
Loading... RAM Calc 14.06 (Premium)

RAM Calc / Description

Unique RAM Memory app.

Advanced functions:
-"Hyper calc" is the same operation as before though GUI expression is different.
-When you want to show previous experience please set it via optional menu "Former Expression".
-Auto closing.
-Removal of animation.
-Auto start function by recognition of exceeding threshold of memory usage ratio.
-Color settings for texts background foreground and animation.
-Shortcut for customized app-start.
-Side launcher helps you to quick start the app and many extra functions.
-Accessibility service is used for back/home/recent app/open notification/screen move/split screen/quick settings/pointer mode and not for personal data collection. Please use this function with your acceptance.

-Paid option for no-ad on the app and minimization is monthly subscription*.
*If you do not cancel the automatic renewal within 24 hours the contract period will be automatically renewed.
*You can check and cancel the contract details from Google Play (Settings tab > Subscription > RAM Calc).

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RAM Calc / What's New in v14.06 (Premium)

- *Premium features unlocked!
*Ram cleaning Works
*Security check Removed
*Unwanted Files/Folders Removed
*Debug info removed

This app has no advertisements

-Used libraries updated.

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