EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer2.17.1 (Premium)

EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer v2.17.1 (Premium)

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EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer / Specifications

EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer / Screenshots

EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer 2.17.1 (Premium)
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Loading... EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer 2.17.1 (Premium)
Loading... EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer 2.17.1 (Premium)
Loading... EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer 2.17.1 (Premium)
Loading... EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer 2.17.1 (Premium)
Loading... EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer 2.17.1 (Premium)

EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer / Description

Put your pictures and videos in your gallery back in the right order!

• Also works for images without EXIF metadata e.g. WhatsApp images.
• It is also possible to correct the order in the built-in galleries of e.g. Instagram or Facebook.

Have you ever copied pictures from one smartphone to another?
Downloaded them from a cloud backup or copied them from a hard disk or memory card to your smartphone and then found your pictures and videos
completely mixed up in your gallery?
Image & Video Date Fixer was developed to solve exactly this problem!
Namely to put your valuable pictures and videos back in the correct chronological order.

➜ Why does the problem occur?

After copying the files to your smartphone the file modification date of your pictures and videos is set to one and the same date namely to the date on which the pictures were copied to your smartphone.
As the file modification date is used for sorting in galleries the images now appear in random order.

➜ How can Image & Video Date Fixer correct this?

Cameras store metadata in images and videos for images this metadata type is called EXIF for videos quicktime.
This EXIF and qicktime metadata contains for example the camera model GPS coordinates and the recording date.
Image & Video Date Fixer can use this recording date to set the file modification date to the recording date.
This allows the gallery to display the images in the correct order again.

➜ What about images and videos without metadata?

In the event that no metadata such as EXIF or quicktime is available Image & Video Date Fixer can use the date from the file name if available.
This applies to WhatsApp images for example.
In addition to correcting the file modification date EXIF or quicktime metadata is also saved for both images and videos.

➜ What else can Image & Video Date Fixer do?

Image & Video Date Fixer also offers the option of changing the date for multiple images as required.

The following options are available:

• Manual date input
• Set a date or time for selected files
• Increment the date by days hours minutes or seconds
• Applying a time difference
• Set EXIF or quicktime metadata based on file modification date

➜ Information about Instagram Facebook Twitter (X) and some other apps.

Some apps use the creation date to sort the images and unfortunately it is not technically possible to change the creation date.
Nevertheless Image & Video Date Fixer can restore the order. To do this Image & Video Date Fixer must temporarily move the images and videos
to another folder. There they are then sorted according to the date they were taken and then moved back to their original location.
This is done in chronological order with the oldest image or video first and the newest last.
This means that although new creation dates are created with today's date they are in the correct chronological order.
This allows Instagram Facebook etc. to display the images and videos in the correct order.

💎 Free & Premium Options
With the free version 50 files can be corrected per run.
If more files are to be corrected per run the premium version must be purchased.

Correcting Facebook and Instagram galleries which sort by creation date is also only possible in the premium version.


❗Information regarding usage of android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:

Processing all your files can take several minutes even hours depening on your device amount of images or storage you are selecting.
To ensure all files are getting processed and the process is not getting interrupted which could cause wrong results and media not showing in the gallery anymore this permission is required to prevent the app getting killed by the system while your images are getting processed.

While the service is running a statusbar notification will be shown.

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EXIF Image & Video Date Fixer / What's New in v2.17.1 (Premium)

- @youarefinished
This app has no advertisements

• Fixed app crashing on start
• Added "Refresh media store" action to sidebar
• Added support for Sony's .ARQ Pixel Shift files
• Fixed excluding items from WhatsApp Preview dialog not working
• Moved general settings to sidebar
• Removed Google Play Installation protection to allow installation outside of playstore
• Remember directory when selecting storage path.

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