Black OS Launcher5.1 (Premium)

Black OS Launcher v5.1 (Premium)

Downloads: 5080


Black OS Launcher / Specifications

Black OS Launcher / Screenshots

Black OS Launcher 5.1 (Premium)
Loading... Black OS Launcher 5.1 (Premium)
Loading... Black OS Launcher 5.1 (Premium)
Loading... Black OS Launcher 5.1 (Premium)
Loading... Black OS Launcher 5.1 (Premium)
Loading... Black OS Launcher 5.1 (Premium)
Loading... Black OS Launcher 5.1 (Premium)
Loading... Black OS Launcher 5.1 (Premium)

Black OS Launcher / Description

Black OS Launcher is a black style launcher make your phone cool and powerful Black OS Launcher you get speed beauty and elegance design without lost Android customization.

👍 Black OS Launcher features:
1. Black OS Launcher has 500+ beautiful themes and built-in 4 black cool themes
2. Black OS Launcher can work on ALL Android 4.4+ devices
3. Black OS Launcher has App Library/Drawer feature; And you have the choice to don't show all apps in desktop just show mostly used apps.
4. Support multiple widget style.
5. Support dual apps
6. You get Black OS style unify icon shape launcher layout and animation
7. Black OS Launcher support most of the icon packs in Play Store
8. Black OS Launcher has control center swipe up in the dock or swipe down from the right side of the status bar to open it
9. Black OS Launcher has notification center swipe down from the left side of the status bar to open notification center
10. Launcher Edit Mode support select multi app icons to create folder or move icons in batches
11. Tidy App Icons in desktop easily
12. Various handy gestures and icon gestures
13. Useful tools: storage manage memory info
14. Black OS Launcher support 3 color mode: Light Dark Auto Adaptation
15. Unread red dot notifier
16. Eyes protector feature
17. T9 Search and app quick search
18. Desktop grid size option fonts option icon label option icon size option
19. Lock desktop layout to avoid being messed by kids and others
20. Black OS Launcher has many desktop transition effect/animation
21. Black OS Launcher support Hide app App lock

💡 Please be noticed:
Android™ is a registered trademark of Google Inc.

❤️ Thank you for using Black OS Launcher if you like Black OS Launcher please recommend Black OS Launcher to your friends and welcome to comment we are always listening thanks a lot!

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Black OS Launcher / What's New in v5.1 (Premium)

- Mod Info:
✪ Premium Features Unlocked
✪ CPUs: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a
✪ Debug Info Removed

This app has credit advertisements

1. Recreated as Black OS Launcher
2. Optimized the default theme and added four new themes
3. Optimized the color icon: add multi-choice color feature
4. Optimized the widget page

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