TimeStamp Camera1.8.3 (Pro)

TimeStamp Camera v1.8.3 (Pro)

Downloads: 5026


TimeStamp Camera / Specifications

TimeStamp Camera / Screenshots

TimeStamp Camera 1.8.3 (Pro)
Loading... TimeStamp Camera 1.8.3 (Pro)
Loading... TimeStamp Camera 1.8.3 (Pro)
Loading... TimeStamp Camera 1.8.3 (Pro)
Loading... TimeStamp Camera 1.8.3 (Pro)
Loading... TimeStamp Camera 1.8.3 (Pro)
Loading... TimeStamp Camera 1.8.3 (Pro)
Loading... TimeStamp Camera 1.8.3 (Pro)
Loading... TimeStamp Camera 1.8.3 (Pro)

TimeStamp Camera / Description

Time stamp Camera can add time stamplocation stamp and signature stamp on photo and video while capturing.

Stamp your existing photo and every photo captured with this app.

●Add current timelocation and signature while capturing images you can change time format or select the location around easily.
- Support change font format font color font size
- Support auto add location address and GPS
- Add your logo as signature on photo
- Can add shadow and background with color
- Can add transparency in stamp
- Supports multiple stamp position
- Can apply font style like bold italic underline outline strike through etc.
- Can change capture photo storage path to SD Card
- Available in Dark and Light Theme
- Add Stamp on existing photo
- Scan document

App Available in Hindi Gujarati Spanish Indonesian Russian Vietnamese Thai Portuguese French Turkish

Wear OS
Camera Remote app can be used capture photo from watch

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TimeStamp Camera / What's New in v1.8.3 (Pro)

- Modifications:
✪ Pro / Paid features unlocked;
✪ Cleaned all useless files;
✪ All Debug Codes Removed;
✪ CPUs: universal architecture;
➥ Modded By TRUMods

This app has credit advertisements

- Bug fixes and improvements.

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