Net Signal Pro:WiFi & 5G Meter3.3 (Mod)

Net Signal Pro:WiFi & 5G Meter v3.3 (Mod)

Downloads: 5091

Net Signal Pro:WiFi & 5G Meter / Specifications

Net Signal Pro:WiFi & 5G Meter / Screenshots

Net Signal Pro:WiFi & 5G Meter 3.3 (Mod)
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Net Signal Pro:WiFi & 5G Meter / Description

This app is a useful tool that allows you to check WiFi Signal Strength and cellular signal strength anywhere with your mobile device. It helps finding good areas of WiFi or cellular connectivity to set up smart home devices.

- Cellular signal information
- WiFi signal information
- Accurate WiFi and Cellular signal strength
- WiFi roaming

In Cellular signal:
View 2G 3G 4G 5G cellular signal network operators sim operator phone type network type network strength in dBm IP address...

In WiFi signal:
Wi-Fi-Name (SSID) BSSID maximum Wi-Fi speed IP address public IP address net capability net channel subnet mask Gateway IP address DHCP server address DNS1 and DNS2 address...

In WiFi roaming:
You can finding out which Wi-Fi AP the device used to access the network;
Router name network id time...

The app is constantly updating the signal strength so you can walk around your house work or anywhere you connected to WiFi or cellular to find the best connection.

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Net Signal Pro:WiFi & 5G Meter / What's New in v3.3 (Mod)

- Package Info:
● Supported Languages: af, am, ar, as, az, be, bg, bn, bs, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IN, en-XC, es, es-419, es-US, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, fr-CA, gl, gu, hi, hr, hu, hy, in, is, it, iw, ja, ka, kk, km, kn, ko, ky, lo, lt, lv, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, my, nb, ne, nl, or, pa, pl, pt, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sq, sr, sr-Latn, sv, sw, ta, te, th, tl, tr, uk, ur, uz, vi, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW, zu;
● Supported Cpu Architecture: Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a, X86, X86_64;
● Supported Screen Dpi: Ldpi, Mdpi, Tvdpi, Hdpi, Xhdpi, Xxhdpi, Xxxhdpi.
Graphic Optimizing Info:
● Optimized Png's: 100% | Saved: 500 Kb (26%);
● No Jpg's In Apk Detected;
● Storing Resources.arsc Uncompressed;
● Recompressing Classes.dex;
● Recompressing Libraries;
● Zipaligning Apk.
Mod Info:
● Pairip Protection Removed / Disabled.
● All Unnecessary Menu Item Remove Like:
- Faq's, Like Us, Share To, Other apps.
● All Unnecessary Setting Item Remove Like:
- Contributor, Feedback, Open Source License, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions.
● Google Play Store Install Package Removed / Disabled.
● Play Services, Transport, Firebase Properties Removed.
● All Unnecessary Garbage Folder & File Removed.
● Duplicate Dpi Item Remove Like:
- Bar Length, Drawable Size, Gap Between Bars.
● Splits0 File Removed (Resources & AndroidManifest).
● Splits0 Releated Unnecessary Meta-Data Remove Like:
- Stamp Source, Stamp Type Standalone Apk, Android Vending Splits, Android Vending Derived Apk.
● Removed Debug Information (Source, Line, Param, Prologue, Local).
● Mod Apk Size 3.07 Mb.

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- Cellular signal strength meter: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G;
- Upgrade Signal chart and Network traffic UI.

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