Image Converter pro is an image/photo converter that allows you to
transform photos or images to other extensions
Image Converter Pro Features :-
- No Ads
- No Internet connection needed
- Save converted image directly to gallery.
- Easy to choose image output format type
- Edit output image file name
- Convert image without loosing its quality
and resolution
- You can share directly from the view
images in converted images and from
converted gallery as well.
- Manage all converted images directly
from gallery you can later share or delete
converted images.
- {New} Batch converter feature - convert multiple images/photos to desire format with powerful compression which also help to compress photos size
Image Converter Pro Features :-
- No Ads
- No Internet connection needed
- Save converted image directly to gallery.
- Easy to choose image output format type
- Edit output image file name
- Convert image without loosing its quality
and resolution
- You can share directly from the view
images in converted images and from
converted gallery as well.
- Manage all converted images directly
from gallery you can later share or delete
converted images.
- {New} Batch converter feature - convert multiple images/photos to desire format with powerful compression which also help to compress photos size
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